Intelligence. Neither nature nor nurture, but architecture: I have created a completely new system of education. What is special about this system? The answer is everything. This system can build intelligence anywhere from gifted to genius upon request. No other education system in the world can even begin to accomplish such a feat.

The best teachers in the world, despite being truly great teachers, have no options to teach intelligence. If you’re wondering why, the answer is fairly simple. A real definition of intelligence is needed before you can build intelligence.

What are the current definitions of intelligence???: It is easy to do a search for a definition for intelligence. But when you do that search, what will you find? You will find definitions that tell you what intelligence does, but not what it is. When it comes to defining what intelligence is, these definitions will fail completely.

Therin lies the problem. Trying to build intelligence in students with this kind of definition is a bit like handing a contractor a plan for a house that just reads, a place where people live. What will you end up with? That will be largely a matter of luck, and only revealed when the work is done. And when it is done well, at that point it is a little too late to change the result.

For the world at large the definition of intelligence is just a guess. In existing systems achieving the result of an even mildly gifted student is simply luck.

This is the architecture and end-result of the current systems of education, a.k.a. what we have now.

And then comes Arthur: I have created a real definition of intelligence. Using this new definition, I have created an education system that can teach genius. I call it Arthur. Why Arthur? Arthur was my father’s name. As a teacher he was without equal. As a father, well, he was pretty incredible there too.

Here is a list of what the Arthur system is capable of:

  • Arthur can teach in 1 year what the current system takes 12 years to teach.
  • Arthur has the ability to set the students comparative IQ relative to any field of study.
  • Arthur does not duplicate the current systems educational goals. Arthur has a better set of goals.
  • Arthur was initially designed as a 2-year program. It has evolved. Now the first 2 years is designed to provide a foundation readying the students for advanced studies.
  • Using 2 years will allow Arthur to provide a degree of education that has no equal in any other currently existing system.
  • Arthur’s foundation level of education, the first 2 years, can comfortably be taught to children as young as 5 years of age.
  • The Leonardo stage comes next. After the completion of the first 2 years, Arthur’s foundation stage, Arthur continues to its Leonardo stage. This stage in education is designed to be 5 years in length. The Leonardo stage teaching the how’s and whys of mathematics, science, language, philosophy, and social sciences. These fields are taught at a university level and beyond.
  • Arthur’s Leonardo stage will provide a level of education that exceeds what existing universities can achieve. Sadly, this means that currently existing university will be functionally obsolete on the day Arthur opens.

And that, is only the beginning.

Yes, Arthur can do much more. How much more is still to be seen. Calculations on the nature and architecture of Arthur’s next stage are happily proceeding.

Some helpful questions: Now we need a list of questions. Answers are often clearer when they are preceded by questions. So here are the questions to help prepare us for the answers that will, in this case, follow.

A small note: You can always have questions. Sadly, you do not always have answers to go when them. We should remember to enjoy it when the answers are there for us.

The Questions:

  • Why is a new system of education needed?
  • Does this new system need to be one created completely created from scratch, bearing little resemblance to the current system?
  • What will it do?
  • How is it that it can be created now, but not before now?

These questions provide a fair place to start.

The first question: “Why is a new system needed?”, is answered at the very beginning of this page.

And is this new system, Arthur, really needed? Only if you value what it is that Arthur provides. Arthur is no more important than the possibilities it provides to the future, and to its students. Their lives and their tomorrows are founded in Arthur. Without it, that future and those possibilities do not exist.

The second question: “Does Arthur need to be created completely from scratch?”. Arthur is a system that, at its most basic level, bears no resemblance to current systems. So yes, it needs to be created from the ground up.

The third question: “What will Arthur do?”. Part of the answer to this question is contained in the answer to the first question. Yet here more is required give a fair answer to the question, “What will it do?”. Answering this properly would require a long discussion of how Arthur works. What is Arthurs design? What is Arthurs process? A lengthy conversation indeed. Still, a synopsis is possible.

Third question synopsis, Arthur will:

  • Arthur requires a fraction of the time, less than 1/10th of the time required by any other current systems, to teach subjects.
  • Arthur will used calculated intellectual architectures in the design of its courses.
  • Calculated intellectual architectures are ideas and information formatted to a specific level of intelligence.
  • Level of intelligence is currently considered equivalent to IQ. Using IQ as a definition of intelligence is no longer valid.
  • Arthur will cover subjects and convey information at calculated IA levels.
  • Arthur will build static and dynamic intellectual architectures in the minds of its students.
  • Arthur is currently the only system in existence that can and will, build intelligence.
  • Having the company of their fellow students, Arthur’s student body will have a chance to experience the effect(s) of achieving critical mass in an intellectual environment. This critical mass effect sustains and feeds the intellectual architectures the students have, through their educations, acquired. This in effect means that the students will be able to extend those architectures into their own fields of endeavor.

While there is much more, that is enough to try to absorb in one sitting.

The fourth question: “How is it that it, Arthur, can be created now, but not before now?” The answer to this question is that, quite simply, I have calculated and then positively identified 5 categories of intelligence. I have developed real definitions of them. I have their architectures. I have developed methods of building in the human mind the first 3. The 3rd is what is currently referred to as genius. I am working on methods of building the 4th and 5th.

How and why did this happen?

  • I was interested in restructuring my own intellectual process.
  • To aid in this endeavor I attempted to develop a calculated definition of intelligence.
  • I succeeded.

Why are there 5 categories of intelligence? Because they exist. I was able to identify the architectures of 5. I am certain that there are more.

How was this accomplished? Observations, analysis, calculations, model iteration, hypothesis, testing, more analysis. Then integrate the data and do it all again.

During this research complex pseudo-vector analysis identified the possible existence of 5 intelligence architectures.

What is “Complex pseudo-vector analysis”? A system of mathematics I developed to aid in modeling, … well, everything.

What are Pseudo-vectors? An invention I created. They bear a vague resemblance to vectors.

To elucidate this base, vectors are a tool in physics. Vectors identify the magnitude and direction of objects. Vectors are a type 1 IA object.

Pseudo-vectors contain multiple forces, architectures, and advanced formulas using both mathematics and Elm 1 to create dynamic models of everything in the universe. They handle the static, and the dynamic. A full explanation of pseudo-vectors would not be a book, it would be a library of its own.

So, think of pseudo-vectors as a living equation that can create a model of anything, everything happening to that thing, all the forces acting on that thing both now and in the future, the forces that the thing modeled is exerting on itself and its environment, and all options for morphology over time. Very fun stuff.

I developed Pseudo-vectors to do what vectors could not. Pseudo-vectors exist in multiple IA forms. Currently I use IA type 3, 4, and 5 pseudo-vectors.

Personal note: Types 4 and 5 IA hypotheses evolving, testing on (types 1, 2, and 3 category intelligence), positive results, more testing required on 4 and 5.

The process was repeatable. I went to broken array modular testing. This approach allowed me to tailor the tests based on the data types I required. Pure calculation-based tests on categories 4 and 5. Astounding results. Pretty straightforward stuff actually.

I am starting to wander down the nerd path, sorry!

So, before I digress too far, the reason Arthur is now possible and was not before is because I discovered exactly what intelligence is and how to build it. This means that you’re not likely to find it anywhere else.

Nerd notes: So yes, I have defined 5 types of intelligence. Multiple hypotheses were necessary to accommodate the 5 categories of intelligence identified thus far. A hypothesis for each category was necessary. These architectures proved to be neither interpolative nor extrapolative. Each is distinctly separate. (Small note: Singular hypothesis, plural hypotheses.) The experiments verified the ability to duplicate the results in base tests of the first 3 types. Types 4 and 5 are not for public disclosure.

The test subjects that participated in each of the tests had no previous exposure to mathematics. This was verified during the tests. A Part of these tests involves teaching the subjects to count. Any previous ability to count would show up in aberrated progression data. The subject’s progressions during this phase of testing were, in most cases, excellent but well within expected parameters.

The result of these calculations:

  • I have a solid, useful, and exact definition of intelligence.
  • I have identified that People (Homo sapiens) currently inhabit only the first 3 categories.
  • I have calculated architectures for all 5.
  • I know how to build all 5.
  • I have developed the foundations of a system of education that can accomplish in 1 year what the current education system accomplishes in 12 years.
  • I have settled on 2 years for the new system.
  • 2 years will enable the new system of education to produce a greater average level of education than can be found in the current systems top 1 percent.
  • yes, I have plans underway for how to use the other 10 years currently allocated for education in most industrialized nations.
  • The new system will raise the average intelligence of the average participating student to what is currently rated as an IQ of 150 to 155.

Considering these results, replacing the current system of education with this new system did not seem like a bad idea.

End of nerd notes:

When we look at providing a new system to replace the entire current educational system, we find ourselves with a few more questions. While these questions are in many cases basic, they are also important. Let’s take a moment to consider a good starting list of those questions.

Some of the information here will, in ways, repeat what was listed above. This repeated information is included so that each section of the document is complete in and of itself.

The next set of questions:

  1. What is the new system called?
  2. Why replace the current system?
  3. What is this new system?
  4. So that we know that it works, how will the new system be measured?
  5. What goals does the new system have?
  6. Why has it taken so long for someone to develop a better system?
  7. When will this new system be available?
  8. Where will this new system be tested/implemented?

I’m sure the list will grow with time.

Now let’s take a look at the answers. Each answer will start with a tag in the form of; “Answer 1”. This will help us track which question the answer is for.

While which question each answer addresses may seem obvious now, most of the answers will have information that relates to a number of the questions as once. We want to be sure to keep track of which question each answer is addressing, hence the answer tags. And now, on to the answers.

The Answers:

Answer 1: Arthur. We need to give the new system a name. Having a name helps. When we have a name, we don’t have to keep calling it “The new system”. As for why Arthur? My dad’s name was Arthur. He was the best teacher I have ever encountered. And why dad instead of father? Because I called him “dad”. Yes, you can call it Art for short. That’s what people called him as well.

Answer 2: The new system of education will take 2 years instead of 12. Arthur can accomplish what the current system does in 12 years in just 1 year. The Art system is designed to take 2 years. This will allow Art to do a much better job than all other currently existing systems.

This of course begs the question of what will we do with the other 10 years. I have quite a number of answers to that question. Those answers however, are for another time.

Answer 3: What is this new system?

How does it work? What does it look like? Good questions. For the most part these questions will currently go unanswered. The possibility of other people trying this out and failing miserably is pretty much guaranteed. The future of humanity is at a crossroads. Many possibilities branch out from here. This education system is required for the best of those roads to exist. As such, the success of this system is far too important to allow a result of even marginal success, let alone one of abject failure. I will see to this one personally. It really is that simple.

But here is a good place to start. I have invented the BIAIMM system. This system is a Basic Intellectual Architecture Instantiation Method for Mathematics, Hence it’s name. This will present some of the new education systems potential. BIAIMM provides an average base increase in IQ relative to mathematics of 10 to 15 points. If I administer the BIAIMM personally the average resultant IQ relative to mathematics is between 140 and 165.

A button at the bottom of this page will provide a link to BAIAMM.

Why is there such a difference in the result? For the same reason that when Leonardo paints a portrait it hangs in the Louvre and when most other people paint one, it hangs on the fridge. This is not bragging. This is just an example of the variance possible when the little pieces, which are for some ineffable parts of a process, do or do not integrate well.

Note: The new system of education will increase what is currently rated as IQ to an average of approximately 150. This means that people educated in the old system will be, … well, they will be a bit lost when relating to people educated in the new system. I am developing, when I have the spare intellectual cycles, a system that may bring people educated in the old system up to what will be the new normal level of intelligence. Over time this need will be alleviated naturally, but I hate to leave people behind that don’t want to be left behind.

Answer 4: How will the new system be measured?

  • Standard achievement testing.
  • Intelligence tests for all students at the start and end of each year.
  • Verbal and written evaluation of select students by specific respected academics.
  • The group of respected academics will be selected by participating nations based on their individual selection criteria.
  • Student achievement on national placement exams.

Answer 5: What goals does the new system have.

The new system will be a living system. This means that it will grow and advance over time. It will experience regular changes. To accomplish this there will be 2 systems.

One will be a regular academic schema, meaning a design for the regular schools. The method of implementation of this design in individual countries will be up to the government in each country.

The other will be an advanced laboratory for the continuing advancement of Arthur. A host country for this laboratory has not been selected at this time.

Answer 6: Why has it taken so long for someone to develop a better system?

Because no real definition of intelligence has existed before I calculated one.

Trying to teach students intelligence without a real definition of intelligence is a bit like this:

You want to build skyscrapers. You have no definition of architecture, no understanding of physics, no blueprints, and no real plan. You gather what rocks you can find. You don’t shape the rocks. You just use them as you find them. You decide to use mud for mortar. You start piling and mortaring and hope for the best. Did I mention your working in the dark?

Note: Rain eventually comes. This is where you coin the term, “rain-fall”.

Answer 7: When will this new system be available?

Possibility 1: Dependency hinges on the leaders of countries. When a major county decides it is worth investigating this technology and contacts me, a timetable for this systems availability in some part of the world can begin to form.

Possibility 2: The other possibility. I start the laboratory school. I may have to create it on my own, but believe me, I will.

Answer 8: Where will this new system be tested/implemented?

The answer to this question is very much dependent on the answer to question 7. As such, this one is still to be determined.