The world’s current economic architectures are riddled with holes and very primitive to say the least. The points where and conditions under which they fail are many. There are however, many solutions to these problems.

I have created a system, mathematical in nature, to model my own intellectual process, (IP). This system, Complex Pseudo-Vector Analysis, (which I named Bob), was created to allow me to examine and improve my IP. Bob would be used to look for holes or areas in my IP that were incomplete. The possibility of improving the level of my IP through the use of this tool was also a motivating consideration. In Layman’s terms this translates to raising my IQ.

Bob worked well. As it turned out though, Bob had a much easier time modeling most of humanities various systems than it did in modeling my IP.

I applied Bob to the task of examining current economic systems. Multiple solutions founding completely new architectures presented themselves. These architectures were somewhat startling improvements in stability, energy, and versatility over currently existing systems. The degree to which these systems are an improvement over current systems is about the same as the degree to which a modern truck is an improvement over a cart which has neither horse nor wheels.

After reviewing these solutions, I designed a complex dynamic system that will evolve comfortably over time. Remember that complex means only many parts. Complex does not mean confusing or fractionally understood. This new system, NE1 (New Economics 1), may be merged with current systems or replace current systems entirely.

NE1’s architecture was initially designed to facilitate economic recovery from the conditions brought on by, illuminated by, and intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The base of NE1’s architecture is already solid. Calculations to support the creation of an NE2 architecture are currently in progress. Moving systems and architectures towards genius is often not a terrible thing.

NE1s solutions are not nation specific. They will work for nations all around the world.

My calculations on NE1 and NE2 architectures have produced quite a number of solution paths and paradigms. A solution for the current conflict between companies from multiple nations attempting to compete in single global markets is but one example. These calculations showed tremendous growth potentials for both the companies and the industries those companies are striving to control. This means better environments for the companies, and better products for the end use customer.

This series of calculations has also been one of those things that was not difficult.

As for implementation, calculations on paths for that are currently happening as well. I will be available to discuss these new architectures with those who have the authority to create the necessary changes in the economic architectures of their perspective nations as the many projects progress.

Note: I have neither the time nor the inclination to spend time, in either discussion or argument, with those who are not intellectually equipped to participate effectively in such discussions.

The next step: I am busy with many things. As such, defining the next step for this project will have to wait on the results of ongoing calculations. Calculations which will in turn have to wait until I have the time necessary to complete these them.