I have considered the architecture of racism.

I have calculated a solution to the problem.

I have called this solution “Arc-1”.

“Arc-1” is an abbreviated form of Architecture 1.

Arc-1 was created using an advanced system of mathematics.

Arc-1 is a real solution.

What does real mean? Real, in this case, means amongst other things that Arc-1 will without question end racism.

Vital note: It is important to understand that Arc 1 is the only solution to the problem that I have been able to calculate that will actually work. The calculations involved in the creation of Arc-1 have made this understanding unambiguous.

Further, Arc-1 does not require that everyone understands this new system of mathematics mentioned above for Arc-1 to function. If you are holding your breath, yes, now would be an understandable and appropriate time to let out a sigh of relief. 😉

Here are a few things to know about Arc-1.

  • It is not subject to interpretation.
  • It does not require people to embrace it, try it, or even agree with it, for it to work.
  • People’s opinion of Arc-1 will have no effect whatsoever on its effectiveness.

And last, Arc-1 will without question, eliminate racism for all time.

Here however, is a fair warning: Arc-1 will anger a lot of racists. And I mean seriously anger them. Many of these people do not even think of themselves as racists. Well, … not yet anyway.

Why not just disclose how Arc-1 works here?

There will be a lot of pushback against this. There are a great number of reasons for people to want Arc-1 to fail. As bad is it sounds, some people truly find the idea of race and racism quite useful. Let us not ignore the fact that there are also people are simply deeply and honestly racist. These truly racist individuals will have a tough time letting their feelings for, or against, perceived races fall away.

Others, both groups and individuals, will want Arc-1 to fail to prevent the assignment of credit for moving to end racism from being given to anyone that they themselves have not selected. And be assured, it’s not that these groups just mentioned have a particular interest in ending racism. No, they just don’t want their opponents to given credit for anything that may be deemed positive. That the success of such efforts will help humanity has no significant bearing on their decision to oppose them. Even should it mean that humanity will have to go without the benefit of these changes. These aforementioned groups are predominately political groups.

It is worth noting that these political groups and parties will also want Arc-1 to fail so that they themselves don’t look like idiots for not coming up with a solution in the first place.

The importance of Arc-1s success is far-reaching. It will redefine how we see ourselves and our place in the world.

As such, to assure that Arc-1 succeeds I will handle at the very least its inception, personally. Creating Arc-1 involved the use of genius, (type 3 IA). Implementing Arc-1 will as well.

An important note about genius: There are a lot more people who think they are geniuses than there are geniuses in the world. The basic math is pretty straightforward. Many of them are wrong!

The disclosure of the details will come soon. Timing and coordination are important. This is one of those things that needs to happen and happen soon. But it also needs to happen right.

The next step: I will contact, (Email and in some cases an initial phone call), a number of senators and representatives in the US federal government. A few individuals, with effective access to members of the federal government, will also be contacted. Hillary Clinton functions as a good example of one of these types of people. I will email Mrs. Clinton as a first step.

The contact information will include,

  • The primary purpose of the contact.
  • The internet address of this website.
  • An email address specifically for responses.
  • In some cases, my phone number will also be included.

Another path, I will call it “B “, is being developed. Path B handles the case wherein politicians prove to be an ineffective resource.

At the point where path B becomes a necessity, I will provide information on its details and progression here.

Thank you,

The Anomaly