Some days are just normal days, much like yesterday, and much like tomorrow. Yet scattered between and amongst these normal days are days that are anything but normal. Yet when we walk a little further down the road of these non-normal days, we find a truly rare day. A day so special that it may not appear even once in a lifetime. A day wherein the world we lived in before its arrival and the world we live in after are different worlds.

We will herein simply refer to these particularly extraordinary types of days as “N7” days.

Why “N7” you ask. The answer to that question is complex, founded in esoteric mathematics, and honestly, you wouldn’t care. 😉 We will simply give these amazing days the name “N7“.

As names go, “N7” is not bad. It has the benefit of being short, and it has no vowels to remember. Life could be worse!

What makes a day so extraordinary that it comes to be remembered as an N7 day?

To become an N7 day, the day in question must reshape both the world and the way we will live in it. It must change the way we see ourselves and, at the most basic level, the way we see our lives. “N7” days, as days go, are rare, but they do exist.

To provide a perspective, the discovery of fire, and the discovery of electricity were of this “N7 Day” species of day. When they arrive, they change our lives in ways so profound that it quickly becomes hard to imagine what life was like before they appeared.

After one of these “N7 days” lands in our lives and the changes they bring to this new life that we have gained are here life becomes once again, something we simply accept as quite normal. We take for granted the changes these amazing days gave us, and we move on.

Still, those N7 days past that changed our world did truly exist. And the extraordinary people that brought us those changes were real.

The creation of The Hypatian Calendar makes today one of these “N7” days. It gives the days, weeks, and months in our lives a new architecture. This new architecture will allow us to live our lives in ways that have never been possible before.

There is something worth noting about this particular N7 day. Those extraordinary people who are about to bring the world this amazing change, one that will impact the lives of people all over the world, are us.

And who are the people that comprise this mystical us? If you are reading this, you may be about to discover that you are indeed one of them.

While politicians are busy fighting about politics, the job of making our lives better is left to us. Are we up to the task? Is this really one of those “N7 day” things? Will it change our lives for the better? And now only for us and the generations to come as well?

As for the first question, the “Are we up to the task?” one, that one is for you to answer.

The questions following that I can answer for you. Just keep reading. This is real.

So, if you’re still reading and your mind is wondering how a calendar, something you may just hang on the wall for decoration, can create such a fundamental change in our lives, consider…

Within the “The Hypatian Calendar” lives an element called the Hypatian Period. It is within this Hypatian Period that the larger part of the genius which will change our lives takes place.

It is nice to note that for once, those of us who work day-in and day-out to pay the bills, are the heroes that will build humanities future!

The Hypatian Period provides a span at the end of each month for the actual living of our lives. A period of time that we may spend with family and friends or just relaxing. It is referred to by those that have had a chance to try it as, “Living”. Given the chance to do so, you may want to try it. You may find that it could be something you might be willing to get used to.

The stumbling block that will resist the introduction of “The Hypatian Calendar” into our lives.

Why would anyone be opposed to HC?

For those with much of it, it being money, consider the expression “Time is money!“. The time in this expression is ours, the money, however, is theirs. Some employers consider our time spent not making them money to be something of a nuisance at the very least.

In today’s world everything, even our lives, are measured by the dollar. And that dollar, which is the basis of our economic system, is imaginary. Our lives on the other hand, not so much imaginary.

How did we get here?

It will be helpful at this point to review the progression of this economic element called currency to see a bit of how we landed where we are today.

The imaginary nature of the value of money was not always the case. Our economic system, thousands of years old at its base, has seen significant change. It has progressed from barter to fiat money. If you’re wondering what barter money and fiat money are, here is the world’s fastest introductory class on the history of money and economics.

Barter money is where money began. Barter money related the value of actual things to each other. In essence, barter money had value. Cows, goats, pots, pans, and even things like salt were the actual money. They were traded regularly. As these were actual things, they had actual value. It is however, hard to make change for a cow when all you are buying is a soda and fries. To solve this problem the next type of money was incorporated.

Commodity money that came after Barter money. It had inherent value as well. Commodity money was made from things like gold and silver. And in later days, commodity money was at least backed by things like gold and silver. This maintained the value of commodity money. You could now get change when you traded your cow in for that soda and fries.

Fiat money came next. Fiat money is the truly imaginary money. The value of fiat money, which most of the world’s nations use today, is entirely imaginary. Nations decide what their fiat money is worth, and if they are lucky, most other nations agree on its value. If enough other nations disagree then the given nation’s fiat money’s value becomes volatile. This volatility feeds speculative trading. Yes, national money, meaning any individual nation’s fiat money, is bought and sold like stock on a daily basis. So, if you are thinking that the value of fiat money is based on people agreeing with the wind coming out of politician’s mouths, you are far more right than you might imagine.

Is this, meaning Fiat money, a problem? Oh yes. Just one of the many problems with fiat money is that fiat money is subject to tremendous regular inflation. The whys of this are many, monumentally stupid, and quite sad. Consider the following. If the value of your house, a house now 20 years old, in need of a new roof, and a fair list of other repairs, is now worth twice as much as you paid for it, the truth is that the value of today’s money is less than half of what this same Fiat money was worth when you bought your house. Consider for a moment what this means to your retirement savings. Yes, sad to say the least.

Sadly, a small reminder: The above is here to provide a quick history of money. A full and effective explanation of money, the kind of explanation that such a subject warrants, would require a lengthy discussion. This however, is not the place for that discussion.

So, what do we do? Do we need to throw away the idea of economic systems? No.

It should be understood that economic systems are a human creation, for the most part. We can, however, after the thousands of years that have led us to the current economic systems, imagine a better one. Perhaps one this is not imaginary. And just perhaps, one that does not own people’s lives.

As a small note, economic stability may not be a terrible thing to include in such a system either.

And yes, I have already calculated a few. But again, more about that later.

So why did money come to rule our lives? If we are the ones that measure the world, then the things in this world should be measured by what they mean to us. It would seem to make more sense for our lives to be the ruler by which things are measured. A ruler that other things are placed beside to see what value they have and how they measure up to us, and to our lives. It should not be the other way around. Our lives are real, not imaginary. They matter.

While these ideas sound philosophically nice, and as if they were comprised mostly by wishful thinking, The Hypatian Calendar manages to make these philosophical and whimsical ideas a reality. It changes necessary changes in the way the world works and how our lives are measured a reality today. So yes, this is real. And yes, it will happen. Why is it inevitable? Because the genie is out of the box. People know about The Hypatian Calendar. It exists. It has been seen, it works, and it is far too great a change to our lives to pass up.

How will it happen? We will make it happen. Great things often require heroes. In this here and this now, that means us. We are the heroes that will make this happen. And when it is done, we will know that this new, wonderful, once again just normal life, will be our gift not only ourselves, but to those who follow. Our children and their children after them for generations to come will know that we were here, we were real, and we loved them enough to create this change. A change that placed the value of their real lives, above those things that are imaginary. They will know that we built for them the foundations of a new life. One they will come to enjoy as, “just their normal”.

Beyond this we will give them even rarer gifts. Gifts composed of knowledge and understanding. The knowledge that the future is not something that just happens. It is something we create. And the understanding that the future we build is not a matter of luck, but a matter of choice. That the choices we make, whether those choices be action or inaction, matter. Yet, perhaps the most important gift of all will be the gift of showing them that choosing to do those greater things matters a lot!

So here our journey begins. Read on and see what awaits the future of humanity on this “Other Day”.

Here and now, is where and when, it all begins:

This is The Hypatian Calendar Initiative, and it will, change the world. This is not a question, but a fact. It is within the architecture of The Hypatian Calendar to provide for us, lives we never knew we could have. It is a guide stone for the future of civilization. If you have Type 3 intelligence, (intelligence types 1 to 5 will be addressed later in another document. For now, it works to consider type 3 simply to be genius.), within the fields of anthropology and/or microeconomics and macroeconomics, you are in for a pleasant epiphany. Welcome to a future much brighter than the one that was available before HC.

To see how this future will measure up differently we need to first see how today is both measured and valued.


So here we are today. Today, the dollar is the measure of value. People’s lives are spent in the service of money. Not simply chasing it, but truly in the service of it. Your time will be worth an hourly wage. It is something you will chase just to survive, if for no other reason. The things you want in life will also be measured by the dollar. Dollars to buy things, and dollars to provide a better life for those you care for. If you become sick, even life itself will be measured by the dollar. If you have children, their lives and the quality of their lives will once again be measured by the dollar. We live in the service of money. That is just the fact of it. That is the way everything in the world is measured. Value is the dollar. Well, … It was!


HC now returns money to the service of people. This change is very real. HC places us and the lives we live into the position of being that against which the rest of the world is measured. This is not an exaggeration. It is a simple fact.

If you would like to see how something that seems that incredible can actually happen, clean off your glasses, get your coffee, and be sure you’re ready. We are about to change the world.

And yes, if you’re young and don’t need glasses or coffee, congratulations, I will pretend I’m not jealous. You are welcome to come too. This is your future as well, taking shape before your eyes.

I will start with a light introduction to The Hypatian Calendar, (HC), and a short explanation of how this simple calendar will be able to accomplish things like changing the world and changing our lives. After that I will leave you to explore the links on this site as it pleases you.

Thank you,

The Anomaly

The Light Introduction

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