Personal notes:

  • Multiple solutions for solving the homeless problem easily calculated.
  • The calculated solutions are easily achieved.
  • Why has this problem not been resolved before?
  • Complex system analysis for this issue proceeding.
  • That is the why.
  • Top-down and bottom-up problems related to homelessness analyzed.
  • 2 solution paths required.
  • Optimal solution path analysis proceeding.
  • Further data may be required to complete solution path analysis.
  • Broken bits analysis used – the results of this analysis reveal a system that selects discard or ignore over repair. The why of this is simply that repair is more work and less profit than continuing with the system currently in place.
  • Broad spectrum solution analysis may reveal possible solutions.
  • Broad spectrum analysis proceeding. – results show a number of negative paths based on financial interests farming the solution’s paths for profit.
  • Effective solution path found: Solution tagged (SE1). – Warning, category 2 and 3 negative social evolution effects possible if this solution is implemented under the control of profit farming systems.
  • Further analysis shows a profit-farming resistant stable path. This safer path has approximately 40% of the effectiveness of Path SE1. Safe path tagged (HS 0.4)

The above notes were created for my use. They remain as a tool for reflection on both calculations and derived solutions.

The discussion of the end-product derived from the above will be presented below.

Why did I leave my personal notes above available for the public to view? If you read those notes, you either already understand why, or it is quite likely that you never will.

Solutions for the homeless

Studying the problem of homelessness and performing the appropriate calculations resulted in 2 solution paths. One of them, the (SE1) solution is vastly preferred. The second, (HS 0.4) will be effective for solving the homeless aspect of the problem but no more than that.

The rub?

  • SE1 provides a superior solution in relation to the quality of life it will allow those currently homeless to build.
    • The word “build” is an important distinction here. This solution provides the tools for those currently homeless to build the quality of life that they choose to have. Much more on that subject later.
    • This solution is however subject to being farmed for profit. Those interests trying to farm this solution path for profit will attempt to argue that they are providing services, or simply giving these people the options that everyone else has. If by “the options everyone else has”, they mean the option to be preyed upon by parasites, then yes, that will be true.
  • HS 0.4 provides a solution for homelessness.
    • It is much less subject to being farmed for profit.
    • HS 0.4 provides a path out of homelessness, but the path is optimized for getting people off the street, not for providing the tools necessary to build any quality of life beyond just that.


Homelessness can happen suddenly, over a short period of time, and it can even be a problem that can be seen coming over a long period of time. The one thing all of these timetable’s share is that the advent of homelessness seems to be for those effected, something they cannot stop and cannot avoid.

Finding yourself homeless is an experience the resembles falling off a cliff and landing in icy water. There is panic, shock, and fear. And like falling off that cliff, looking around when you hit the water doesn’t reveal any obvious way out. This in essence is the problem. Civilization has provided a number of paths into homelessness, and yet civilization has built no obvious paths out.

This document is the beginning of building functional paths out of homelessness.

Building a path out of homelessness may seem like an insurmountable task. It is not. In truth, it is not even difficult. It simply requires the will to do so.

A note about the path out:

Ending homelessness will not be a one solution fits all. Being homeless hurts people in many ways. The path out will always start in the same place. From that beginning there will be as many paths as there are people. This paradigm is commonly referred to as “life”.

The common element shared by all those affected will be an end to their homelessness.