How this organization is taking form?

The ideal path for the formation of this body would be to enlist the input of the leaders of a number of countries.

As politics is politics, it is expected that this may fail. Many leaders will want to see how it works out first. Taking the, wait and see, approach allows them to gage public response, as well as the response of other nations.

The other path is to form the organization myself and take The Hypatian Calendar directly to people all over the world. Some immediate interest is sure to take place. People who are interested can then contact their leaders through phone calls, mail, email, and any of the varieties of methods that are common in their countries. This approach should make it easier for the politicians in those countries to acquire a common consensus.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to stop at 1 call or email. If you keep at it, they will get the idea that this is actually important to you.

The future is ours to shape, only if we have the courage to shape it.

Introductions to the leaders of some countries have been sent.

  • An introduction was sent to Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, through the Russian embassy in Washington DC by email.
    • As yet no response has been received.
  • An introduction was sent to Xi Jinping, the president of China, through the Chinese embassy in Washington DC by email.
    • As yet no response has been received.
  • A formal invitation was carried to the Secret Service office in Honolulu, Hawaii for Donald Trump, the president of The United States. The senior agent on duty there decided that the president would not be interested. He did however, wish me a “home run”. I will follow up with an email to And perhaps even vice president Mike Pence at

Email invitations will be sent to the leaders of a few other countries.

To avoid a great deal of the arguing that would arise from trying to form “The Hypatian Calendar Official Administrative Body” with the involvement of too many leaders, I am looking for just 3 nations to help with HCOAB’s founding.

HCOABs foundation begins now.

Waiting on these responses does not mean that HCOAB’s beginning is also waiting. I am beginning the design of HCOAB now.

Organizational structures and resources are currently under design. These will be implemented as soon as they are ready.

Keep in mind that there is going to be a learning curve here. Things will be subject to change and improvement over time.