
It Starts

The world is about to get a new calendar; this calendar, “The Hypatian Calendar” hereinafter often referred to as (HC). The Hypatian Calendar will change the world and just as importantly, how we live our lives in it. To give it a slight history, HC was invented in Hawaii in 2015 on the island of Oahu. HC will, as it was designed to do, change economic and social paradigms around the world. If the question is, how can a calendar accomplish this? The answer is found in HC’s architecture. HC illuminates the way in which the current calendar system controls the flow of our lives, and exactly how much that flow may be improved. The Hypatian Calendar changes the base architecture of our lives. When we change this base, we change everything above it.

So, what is this base founding architectural element of human civilization? To provide a fairly simple answer, or as simple an answer as a question like this allows, let us consider a repeatable fragment of life in a contained cycle.

  • As a beginning we start with a normal work or school day. It is comprised as follows. When the day begins we:  
    • Wake up
    • Eat
    • Go to work or school
    • Come home
    • Eat again
    • Say hello to family and friends
    • Relax a bit
    • Go back to bed to start this cycle again.
  • We repeat the above 4 more times and then with decent luck, (bad luck- the next to days are like the last 5) , the weekend arrives.
  • We have 2 days, A.K.A. the weekend, to relax.
  • During this weekend period we try to crowd into these 2 days those things we worked the other 5 days to support. These 2 days we refer to as living, vs the week which we call, surviving.
  • After that 2-day weekend the next week arrives and we return to the top of the list and we start again.

This forms the base structural cycle of our lives. It is a 5, 2 progression interrupted by the occasional holiday or vacation. As simplified as it is, it is still quite accurate. A simple fact of life as life goes, until now.

Histories what, why, and a little humor

It is in this architecture that we, the human race, have created over the centuries that we both, spend the 5 days of our work weeks waiting for the weekend, and our weekends wishing we had more time to live our lives. We plan for our annual vacations in the hope that we may use them to spend a little extended time with family and friends. A little more time enjoying this life we work so hard to have. We hold on to the hope that one day when we are old enough and we have saved up enough money, money that by the way, we don’t think we will ever be able to save up enough of, that we will be able to retire and enjoy our lives. In the back of our minds what me really find ourselves thinking is, enjoy them as much as our then age will allow.

While work is a necessary part of the current social and economic paradigm, we find ourselves in essence waiting through the majority of our lives for the 5, 2 progressions to end so we can move on from mostly surviving, to living.

And what is this pattern based on? The Architecture of modern civilization is based on the 2,000-year-old Julian Calendar. It is within it’s architecture that this 5, 2 progression has been built. In the 20 centuries that have followed since the Julian calendar’s inception there have been tremendous advances in science, mathematics, medicine and many of the other parts of our civilization. The Julian calendar system however has remained, close to static. The Julian Calendar system was created around 46 BCE at the command of Gaius Julius Caesar. He did this because the old calendar was a fair mess. And he understood that a civilization based on such a mess would also be a mess, forever. While the Julian calendar was a brilliant invention, the current calendar system, based the Julian calendar, has not advanced in step with civilizations other elements. Something new is needed. And the nature and structure of that something new is as important as our lives and our futures.

And so in answer to this need enters, without so much as a drumroll, The Hypatian Calendar.

First Blush

So, if I have your interest, let’s start a modestly detailed look at what The Hypatian Calendar is, and how it differs from the current Julian calendar.

The Hypatian Calendar is a calendar system. That is at best however, only a very basic definition. HC varies quite a bit from the Julian calendar as well as any other calendar system I have seen.

HC adds a number of new elements:

  • Hypatian Days are one of these new elements.
  • Hypatian Periods are another.

First we look at Hypatian Days. Hypatian Days are days that are a part of the month they appear in but not a part of any given week.

Next, the Hypatian Period. To get Hypatian Periods, Hypatian Days are combined with the 2 weekend days of the last week in a Hypatian month.

These elements make HC vastly different in both structure and function from other calendars.

Here is a little more detail to help clear up the picture a bit.

Hypatian Days are days that work in part like weekend days in that they are not a part of the standard workweek. Hypatian Days appear at the end of each month. The Hypatian Period, composed of the 2 weekend days of the last week in a Hypatian month plus that months Hypatian Days, will be 4 or 5 days in length. The difference in this length is dependent on the length of the given Hypatian Month (i.e.: 30 or 31 days as currently structured). The Hypatian Period creates an extended non-workday break at the end of each month.

Acting in a fashion similar to a small vacation the Hypatian Period has these immediate effects.

Economic effects:

  • Economic activity, of types similar to those commonly related to vacations, will increase during Hypatian Periods. Due to the recurrent nature of Hypatian Periods, (monthly), and length of Hypatian Periods, (4 to 5 days), their accompanying activities will, more often than not, happen locally. This is in contrast to the farther ranging variety of activities that often accompanies longer vacations.
  • Hypatian Periods reduce the labor hours available per person/per month in a Hypatian Months. This creates an approximately 8.4% increase in labor needs per month. In base terms, that means more workers will be needed to provide that 8.4%.
  • The vacation related activity at the end of each month will create new industries to accommodate the needs of these people enjoying their lives. Current industries like vacation rentals and restaurants will also see increased business.
  • The Hypatian Period will be accompanied by an uptick in spending as people look forward to and go about enjoying their lives. This means accelerated economic activity.

Each of these elements is designed to produce employment growth. Employment from the 8.4% reduction in labor hours per worker. The monthly Hypatian Period will provide for new businesses and the jobs that go with these new businesses.

Social effects:

  • The Hypatian Period, found at the end of each Hypatian Month, Provides a time for family. This in turn provides the time to strengthen family bonds. A relationship by definition means time spent relating.
  • The Hypatian Period also dispels the illusion that only once you retire will you have time to enjoy living.
  • Neighborhoods and communities will regularly plan activities to occur during Hypatian Periods. These activities will strengthen community ties. The time spent relating will create a sense of extended family in a community. This will in turn reduce crime rates.
  • The Hypatian Period needs of employers will provide an option for people to pick up niche income. The niche income periods, Hypatian Periods, will allow people to pick up extra income to cover unexpected expenses, or better, provide money for special purchases. After this need is filled, the niche jobs may be dropped. This in turn makes room for others to do the same things. And after these niche income needs are filled, life can go back to an even better, with the bills covered or the new item purchased, enjoyable pace.

As it is worth repeating, the Hypatian Period occurs at the end of each month. Based on the length and frequency of Hypatian Periods the majority of the associated accelerated economic activity is calculated to be localized.

As for why a calendar system?

The calendar system is one of the base elements of our economic system. The current calendar system defines the framework of interest calculations, paydays, bill payments and many other elements of the financial system. In short it defines the environment in which money exists and moves. 

The calendar system defines the base architecture of our social system as well. It tells us when we work and when we don’t. It sets the literal framework of our lives from month to month. Vacations, holidays, elections and a great number of the other parts of our lives are framed in its architecture.

When we change the calendar, we change the basis of both our economic systems and our social systems.

When we change the calendar system, we change the definition of not only how we work and how we live, but what it means to work and to live.

In today’s world money is the definition of value. The Hypatian Calendar provides a definition of value based on the lives of people and how they choose to live them.

This is without question, a new paradigm. A new way of seeing, our selves, our lives, and our futures. And a new understanding, of what is possible.

The architecture of our lives is founded on the calendar that we choose to use. Perhaps it is time to choose.

Now a short concise review of pieces then a look at a sample HC month.

The Hypatian Calendar – elements:

  • Hypatian Days: Hypatian days come at the end of a Hypatian Month. They are not a part of any week. Like weekend days they are not a part of the 5 day work week type days. This means that if you work a standard 5-day week, Hypatian Days are days off.
  • Hypatian Period: The Hypatian days at the end of a Hypatian Month are combined with the last weekend in a Hypatian Month to form a Hypatian Period. The Hypatian Period provides a 4 to 5-day time at the end of each Hypatian Month that is not a part of the standard 5-day work week.
  • Hypatian Month: Hypatian Months are all 30 to 31 days in length. No more 28 day months.
  • Theon Days: Theon Days are named after Hypatia’s father. They replace the  leap days used in the current Julian Calendar. Like Hypatia’s father, Theon Days help keep life in sync. Theon Days have not yet been determined to be placed in a specific part of the calendar. They may be inside a month or perhaps a year day lying outside a month. I am looking forward to hearing what preference people will have on this part of The Hypatian Calendar.

An Example of a Hypatian Month:

Month name: TWELVE – (previously February)

























S Bernard







In the final version The Hypatian Calendar’s months and days will have new names. Those names have not been decided on at the time of the writing of this document.

A last note

The Hypatian Calendar was invented to provide a calendar system that utilizes the effects the advancements in technology and culture that have appeared over the centuries in modern civilizations to create a civilization significantly more advanced than those that have previously existed or currently exist.

It is important to disclose that The Hypatian Calendar, capitalization intended, is a work of genius. This means that some of the elements will be far beyond the understanding of the majority of the human race, and some will be immediately understood by everyone. Those commonly understood parts shape today, the other parts are there to shape specific parts of the future. The staggering changes are that it will bring to the future of human civilization will only begin to be understood in the coming decades. It will be interesting to see how much of HC’s long-term impact will be understood by the leading minds in the fields of macroeconomics and cultural anthropology around the world.

The Hypatian Calendar is an invention that will change how we live our lives. It is without a doubt a work of art. It compares easily to Leonardo da Vinci’s portrait of Lisa Gherardini, (The Mona Lisa). The Mona Lisa is a work of genius. It hangs on a wall in a great museum. While we stand there looking at it, we are inspired. Then we walk on and the inspiration fades. The Hypatian Calendar is as well, a work of genius. Yet unlike the great works hanging on walls in museums, The Hypatian Calendar makes the lives of all humanity its art. A work painted on the canvas of time, using each of us as both paint and brush, painted for generations to come. The inspiration does not fade. Those we love are the inspiration, and sharing our lives with them, the art. No nation and no people need be left out. The Hypatian Calendar will give a new life to people all over the world, every day. A life of inspiration that walks with us all. The founding architecture of our future is here. It is a strange thing to realize that we are holding the future of generations to come in our hands, but the truth is, that we are doing exactly that.

Sometimes life is based on what we do, and sometimes life is based on what we do not do.

This needs to be one of the things that we do. The impact of this system on the future of humanity is far too great to be allowed to pass unrealized.

Just a thought: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness require time. Within the architecture of The Hypatian Calendar the time for these is found. Perhaps, as time goes, now too is the time.