The First note: The “other projects” mentioned above are listed at the very bottom of this page. The information you will find between here and there exists to explain a bit of my reasoning for leaving the “How to” details out of the vast majority of these projects.

I have included a link here to make it easier to jump to the project list at the bottom of this page. This link is provided for those of you who have already read the rest of this page.

For those who chose to read on rather than skip ahead, a sincere thank you!

An introduction:

I have a number of other projects underway. Yes, that kind of “other”. This being the case, these other projects are too important for me to wait until some later date when I have the time to create each of them a place of their own.

If your feeling a little lost, “that kind of other” designates projects that fall in the N7 or greater category.

While I have accomplished some interesting things, I am still just one person. I sadly do not have the time to develop individual websites for each project.

Still, these projects need a home. They need to be listed somewhere. As such, here works.

Websites as a home:

Websites provide a good place for communicating information. Changes to webpages makes the same updated information and resources available to everyone involved in a project. And as well, everyone involved gets the updated information at the same time.

So here we are. This page will be the initial home for these “Other” projects.

As a small note, I am listing only a few of the other projects that I currently have underway on this page. Yes, I am indeed quite busy.

If you are interested in seeing what is underway, please feel free to take a look. And while it seems I have a penchant for notes, they are important. If you read them, you will get much more out of what is written here.

The projects vary in their stages of completion. They run the gambit, from as little as under initial development, all the way to completed and ready for implementation teams.

A small note: under initial development means that I have at the very least found a solution. Beyond that, Iam either

a) Improving the solution. The development of solutions often leads to new insights. These new insights lead to even better solutions.

b) I am translating the details from the way my mind works to a format that will be useful to others.

And now the largest and most important note on this page:

Most of the projects listed in this under-development section will change the world and the way we live in it.

Many people will not believe that solutions to the problems these projects address are even possible.

All of these solutions you see here were created by one individual working alone.

Not a great reflection on the powers that be and all their resources.

All of the things you just read above will be particularly awkward for some specific political parties.

Sadly humanity, there’s the rub.

They can’t see how it is possible to solve these problems.

As such, they cannot begin to approach creating the solutions.

If you believe the items listed above may be referring to you personally, be sure to read the last statement in this section.

It is the one you will find in —>> “this color“.

It may be especially helpful.

Now for the real questions, and the real answers.

Question: Are these problems possible to solve?

Answer: Yes, without the slightest question they are.

Question: Can one person create solutions to any of these problems?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How do I know?

Answer: I have solved, not some of these problems but, all of them.

And now, my helpful note to those who do not understand how all of this is in any way possible.

Get over it!

Is there a little ego in the above statement? Possibly, … but I am still right.

Some of the other projects I am working on, but by far not all, I have listed on this page. The titles, aka the first part of the sentences listing these projects, are also links to each specific project’s public information page.

Keep in mind, if you will, that what is disclosed in these linked pages is limited. The needs of the project determine what is acceptable to list, and when. There are many projects for which architectural details are not provided.

The exclusion of extensive details from some of these projects is at this time required if these projects are to progress effectively.

Are you perhaps wondering why it could be ill-advised to provide extensive details on the implementation methods of all of these projects now?

Here is a short list of just some of the broadly impacting and basic reasons. –

base reasons:

  • The greatest ideas can fail miserably when taken up by the wrong people. (someone else tries it, goes about it badly, and it fails)
  • When this failure happens, those great ideas are often blamed for the failure. And they are most often blamed by; those same incompetent people who caused the failure.
  • After this failure, they the incompetent, work hard to make sure that the aforementioned idea dies. This is done to avoid the possibility of public disclosure of their incompetence.
  • Note: (aforementioned, for those curious, may be thought of as meaning “after it was mentioned”)
  • Success with great ideas makes the world better. The world could use a lot of better. So, given that, I will proceed carefully.
  • The right people however, with exceptionally great ideas, can change the world.
  • If the world does not want to suffer the loss of these ideas, then it’s worth the time to find these right people.
  • Synopsis, aka – the short version of why only limited data is available on some projects:
  • These projects mean a great deal to humanity.
  • People trying these “Other” projects will fail.
    • Some will fail while truly trying to succeed.
    • Some will fail on purpose. (Proving a political party’s stance on a project too have been right, is one of the many reasons for premeditated failure.)
  • Why will they all fail? Working with data that is marginally understood, or not actually understood at all is one of the great keys to failure.
  • Even if I list all the data, others will fail to understand the data, and then fail.
  • Allowing any of these projects to fail, fails humanity as well.
  • These projects are the foundation of a better future for humanity. They will be done right, and by the right people.

With that in mind you will not be shocked when some of the links to these projects provide only references to what the next step for that individual project is rather than a guide for accomplishing said project.

Within some of the projects listed, I am currently considering providing information on which people, groups, and governments have been contacted. The information provided will most often be, who was contacted, when was the contact made, and by what method. Whether or not a response has arrived may also be listed. If these entities have not responded, feel free to contact them with your questions as to why. I personally will not know why because they have not yet responded.

Each element in the list below will start with the projects name, (aka the title), followed by some related text. The name of each of these projects provide links to that project’s individual page. Following each project’s name are intellectual architecture tags.

Intellectual Architecture or (IA) tags are bookmarks for the mind. The bookmarks you will find below tag pages, that like the books themselves, live in my mind. As you might guess I find these bookmarks useful.

Here is a simple English language translation of what all of this means. The text following each project’s name is placed there for my use. The text provides me with an IA insertion tag for the related project. Grammar and those rules associated with the written language are important. The rules of our written language are however, often set aside to facilitate each text’s usefulness as an IA tag.

Other Projects

  • Ending racism – I have calculated a permanent solution.
  • Global pandemic solution – The solutions for shutting down COVID-19 and its variants were not difficult to calculate. In addition, calculating the solutions required to prevent future pandemics was only marginally more difficult. The calculations for both required predominantly the use of type 2 IA and to a very limited degree the use of type 3 IA.
    • The low IA requirement related to the calculation of multiple solutions to, COVID in specific, and pandemics in general, indicated that the spread of COVID, as well as COVID’s deadliness, was likely significantly enhanced by external, in this case political, interactions.
    • Politics and political infighting without question made the pandemic far worse than it had to be. While there is much more to be said on that topic, this is not the place for it.
    • The solutions I have calculated are mildly complex. Despite this complexity however, the solutions are not complicated.
      • For those who wish to have a clearer understanding of how it is possible for something to be complex, but not in any way complicated, there is an entry in this website’s glossary that should be helpful.
        1. See “zerneffalized“.
  • Complete redesign of the medical system in the US – I have calculated multiple integrated solutions resulting in a system model that provides improved Health Care and the reduction of the related direct and indirect costs by at least 50%.
  • Post pandemic economic recovery – I have created a new economic architecture designed to facilitate economic recovery from conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The end result of these calculations revealed several surprising holes and weaknesses in our current economic systems. It was necessary to create vastly improved economic systems to solve the issues of the holes and weaknesses.
  • A Completely new system of education – I have completed the calculations defining the architecture and processes for building types 1, 2, and 3 Intelligence Architectures (IA). Multiple elements resulting from these calculations have been integrated into a completely new education system. The new system will be able to accomplish in 1 year what current systems require 12 years to do. The system is called Arthur.
  • Solutions for homelessness – Creating the solution to end homelessness required only a very basic calculation. Not truly difficult at all.
  • A New Halloween – This project will save and even improve this treasured holiday.