(While this section is quite important, it is as much of this site is, just beginning to take shape.)

There are terms used within this website that may be rare to find elsewhere. This glossary exists to provide definitions for those terms.

This glossary is organized by sections.

The sections are based on the projects presented on this website.

There is also a general section for terms that are often used across a variety of projects.

The glossary is expected to both grow and undergo significant changes over time.

(yes, I do need to find someone who knows how to write to edit these pages. 😉 )

Glossary sections:

  • General
  • The Hypatian Calendar
  • Arthur – The new system of education

The General section:

  • Anomaly
    • Something the deviates from what is normal or expected.
    • Not to be found by either interpolation or extrapolation.
    • Outside of normal experience.
  • Bob – The name of Complex Pseudo-Vector Analysis. A new system of mathematics and its application as an analysis and calculation engine.
  • Complex Pseudo-Vectors – A tool in the field of mathematics used to model anything and everything.
  • Intelligence – Intelligence is a complex pseudo-vector. It is comprised of a “B” part and an “A” part. The “B” part is a body of data formed from an incoming data stream. The “A” part is both an evaluation of the “B” part data, as well as 1 or more decisions based on the evaluation of the data.
    • To provide another perspective on intelligence, intelligence is all of the following –
      • 1. The ability to form data.
      • 2. The ability to evaluate data.
      • 3. The ability to make choices based on the evaluation of data.
    • Passive intelligence –
      • The act of forming data. : “What is it?”
      • The act of considering data, aka creating outcome and impact models based on the data. : “What can happen?”
    • Active intelligence – The act of making a choice based on the considerations of data. : “What do I do?”
    • Stupidity – aka anti-intelligence. Making choices in defiance of the relevant data.
      • Such choices often involve the refusal to consider the relevant data at all. This refusal step is often necessary as rational consideration of the data would remove the option to feel that the stupid choice was in any way a valid choice.
  • IA – Intelligence Architecture: Intelligence Architecture’s base description will be found in the second of the 2 pieces of information below. The first piece of information provides some elucidation of the second.
    1. The physical design of the brain provides the means for the mechanics of data storage and manipulation. In essence, this is the computer.
    2. The complex pseudo-vector
      • The architecture of the data or “B” part; static, dynamic, and other elements, define the category in which the intelligence node, (the code and data groups), reside.
      • And of course, the “A” part where the evaluation and decision groups reside.
    3. These elements comprise the logic or gate models, the data, and the code all of which form the base of an entities IA.
  • IA types – To date I have identified 5 distinct categories, or types if you will, of intelligence. These start with average human intelligence and moving upwards. Average human intelligence is not the lowest type of intelligence in existence. Average intelligence is however, selected as the base for this, the Human + scale. I am currently able to build types 1, 2, and 3, pretty much at will. A calculated base architecture is required for type 3 IAs. These type 3 IAs have calculated architectures that are specific to each field of endeavor. I have named this scale the “Human +” scale. It is worth noting that I have not listed IQ ranges for each type of IA. IQs were not attached to the scale because IQs are not a measure of intelligence. IQ scores rather reflect an individual’s tested placement relative to the rest of the human race. The tests questions in IQ tests predominantly evaluate an individual’s ability to perform certain trained tasks, aka their ability to remember training and follow directions. IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. Quotient means where one quantity stands relative to others. As for Intelligence, at the time of this writing the only real definition of what intelligence is is the one I have created.
    • IA Type 1 – Average human intelligence.
    • IA Type 2 – This would-be labeled “Bright” in the standard idiom.
    • IA Type 3 – Genius.
    • IA Type 4 – I have calculated the base definition of this architecture and confirmed both its existence and viability. Any further information on this type of IA is restricted to necessary personnel only.
    • IA Type 5 – Like type 4 above, I calculated its architecture and was then able to confirm its existence. .. note: see type 4 IA information restrictions.
  • Money – The types of money listed form a history of money and a clue to how it all went so terribly wrong.
    • Commodity money – based on things.
      • 1 cow = 2 goats = 50 1lb bags of salt
    • Fiduciary money – redeemable for goods, like gold, commonly from the government or organization, (I.E. The Federal Reserve Bank.), that issued the money
    • Fiat money – this money is entirely imaginary. The value of this type of money is based on what governments and banks decide this money is worth.
      • This type of money is highly subject to inflation.
      • The inflation rate based on the use of Fiat money can massively reduce the value of people’s savings.
      • Fiat money is the type of money used in most nations today.
      • The simple devaluation of this type of money by other nations and banks can cause the value of this type of currency in a host nation to crash.
      • Fiat money is a lot like stocks and the stock market. It is often bought and sold as a speculation item.
    • Commercial bank money – this is banks buying and selling the rights to the loans that they have made. This form of money is often used in financial transactions between countries.
      • So yes, the loans secured by your homes and businesses may be traded. And traded means sold.
      • Trades of these loans are not personal. Large numbers of them are bundled together for sale. There is nothing remotely personal in this entire process.
  • Types of Days
    • Normal Days – These types of days provide no real change to our lives. Each normal day is, in essence, like the one before it and the one that will come after it.
    • Abnormal Days – These types of days provide great, and sometimes even profound, changes to our lives. These changes impact non-global groups. They change the lives of a select group of people. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good. Marriage or being ill are fair examples of these types of days.
    • Other Days – These types of days “N7” days, change the world for all time. The discovery of electricity, powered flight, and The Hypatian Calendar are good examples of these types of days.
  • Zerneffalized – Composed of many parts, made clear and easy to understand. No elements in something fully Zerneffalized are confusing or fractionally understood.
    • Zer – Many parts.
    • Zern – Many parts working together, often creating a new whole.
    • Eff – Made clear, easily understandable.
    • Alize – to give form to or instantiate the preceding.

The Hypatian Calendar section:

  • The Hypatian Calendar (HC) – A new calendar system designed to have large social and economic impacts in nations around the world.
  • Hypatian Days – Non-workday days in HC usually found near the end of Hypatian Months.
  • Hypatian Period – A period, commonly at the end of the Hypatian Month. These are composed of the last weekend days of the last week of a Hypatian Month, combined with that month’s Hypatian Days.
  • Hypatian Month – A month in The Hypatian Calendar.
  • Cultural Anthropologist –
  • Macroeconomics –

The Arthur section: