The Hypatian Calendar initiative exists to bring The Hypatian Calendar to all humanity. And why is this important? Ah, now there is a great question! In answer, in part at least, The Hypatian Calendar will give us lives better than we knew was possible. It will hand us hope for the future. A rare thing these days. The change that The Hypatian Calendar brings will last for generations. It will provide a guide stone for the future. Social and economic changes will have to measure up to this change that HC makes today. These future changes will have to measure up because at the very least, we now know what is possible. And that is perhaps, The Hypatian Calendar’s greatest gift.

To understand how all of this is possible, it would perhaps be best to start with what The Hypatian Calendar (HC) is. What is The Hypatian Calendar? What is HC’s purpose and what are HC’s parts? Will it really give us better lives and a better future? And if it can indeed give us better lives and a better future, then how? How will this happen? And yes, even is the capitalization a matter of ego, or something else?

Just for fun we’ll answer the last question here. The full name of this calendar is “The Hypatian Calendar”. Just like those of us with 3 names, each name within the full name is capitalized. The Hypatian Calendar will often be referred to as HC. This will help keep it from appearing to ostentatious … I hope.

As for the rest, I have included links on this page that will lead to those answers.

And in advance, thank you for taking the time to see what it is that we will make together. 🙂

  • What is The Hypatian Calendar
  • What are HC’s parts
  • What is HC’s Purpose
  • How does HC work; Social impact, Economic impact
  • How do those parts change our lives for generations
  • How does HC set the base pattern for future social and economic changes

One of life’s greatest lessons: “The future is much more often a choice, than a chance!”


The Anomaly